Ed.17 Available for Pre-order!

Its not just a fight for the Seele of Seventeen it’s a wrestling match for your very soul.

Aristotle, when off the bottle, expounded the theory that every living soul was host to three distinct energies - Vegetal, Animal, and Rational. To put it in prosaic terms, the Vegetal part of us would like to stay on this sofa and watch some more daytime TV. The Animal part would like to hump the TV. The Rational, well, he knows that’s just not practical, as well as being undignified.

Whichever way you slice it, Threaded Magazine is now 17 editions old, which in magazine years, makes us, like, totally mature y’know? So no more fumbling for love bite in the bike stands for us. This publication is now a MANNISH BOY!

Whoa yeah, oh yeah 
Everythin' gonna be alright this mornin' 
Oh yeah

Get ahead of the bunch, and secure your copy of our upcoming issue! We don't want you to miss out on all of the insights and profiles so get in quick. All pre-orders receive a limited edition present from us!

Ed.17 Ships December for all NZ/AUS orders and January for all International orders. We will make sure to keep you updated on it's progress through our facebook and twitter pages!


Threaded nonimated as Best Awards Finalists and win Silver!


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